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"... For thousands of years older civilizations such as Persian, Assyrian, Babylonian, saw man as an odious creature crawling in front of gods and rulers. The Greeks, however, took the man and had him stand on his feet. Taught him to be proud. The world is full of miracles, said Sophocles, but nothing is more wonderful than man.
The Greeks have persuaded people like Pericles placed it, that was rightfully the owner and master of himself and created laws to guard their personal freedoms. The ancient Greeks favored the curiosity that was the man himself and the world that surround it, proclaiming with Socrates that a life without research is not worthwhile to live.
The Greeks believed in excellence in all things, so; was bequeathed to us the beauty that comes from the Parthenon and Greek statues, the tragedies of Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles, the poetry of Hesiod and 'Homer painted vases by a single household.
Without the Greeks could never have understood what is government. But more even than our language, our laws, our rationality, our standards of truth and beauty, we owe them a deep sense of human dignity.
From the Greeks learned to aspire without restrictions, to be as said by Aristotle, immortal up there we can ...».
(The New York Times, in March 1975)

8500 καταλύματα γιά νά επιλέξετε

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