Κύριο Κάρολο Παπούλια
Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας
Αθήνα – Ελλάδα
Εξοχότατε κύριε Πρόεδρε,
Οι υπογράφοντες Καθηγητές Πανεπιστημίων της Ελλάδος, των Ηνωμένων
Πολιτειών, και άλλων χωρών, μέλη του Ελληνικού Ηλεκτρονικού Κεντρου, κάνουμε
έκκληση στην Ελληνική κυβέρνηση να λάβει όλα τα απαραίτητα μέτρα για την
αντιμετώπιση των συνεχών προκλήσεων εκ μέρους των Σκοπίων, που εντάθηκαν
κατά τη διάρκεια των εν εξελίξει διαπραγματεύσεων για την εξεύρεση αμοιβαίας
αποδεκτής λύσης για την ονομασία της πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβικής Δημοκρατίας της
Μακεδονίας (πΓΔΜ). Το κόστος για την Ελλάδα και τον Ελληνισμό θα είναι πολύ
βαρύ, εάν δεν εξευρεθεί μια δίκαια και βιώσιμη λύση που θα διαφυλάσσει την
εθνική και πολιτιστική ταυτότητα της Ελληνικής Μακεδονίας, πριν από την είσοδο
της πΓΔΜ στη Βορειοατλαντική Συμμαχία και την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
Αποτελεί χρέος της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και των εκλεγμένων εκπροσώπων του
ελληνικού λαού στο Κοινοβούλιο να προασπίσουν τα ελληνικά συμφέροντα και
κυρίως την εδαφική ακεραιότητα και τη διαχρονική πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της
Ελλάδος, απορρίπτοντας κάθε πρόταση που θα επέτρεπε στη πΓΔΜ να σφετερισθεί
άμεσα ή έμμεσα τον όρο Μακεδονία, κάτι το οποίο θα την καθιστούσε την μόνη
χώρα στον κόσμο με το ιστορικό αυτό όνομα.
Είναι επιτακτική ανάγκη να απορρίψει η Ελλάδα τις κλιμακούμενες διεκδικήσεις
των Σκοπίων σε βάρος της ελληνικής Μακεδονίας, είτε αυτές σχετίζονται με
πλαστογράφηση της ιστορίας, είτε με πλασματικές εθνικές μειονότητες στην
Ελληνική Επικράτεια, και μάλιστα σε μία περίοδο αποσταθεροποίησης των συνόρων
στα Βαλκάνια. Οφείλει ακόμη η Ελλάδα να δηλώσει με το πιο αποφασιστικό τρόπο
ότι η αλαζονεία και οι συνεχείς προκλήσεις της πΓΔΜ δεν μπορούν πλέον να
γίνουν ανεκτές.
Η πρόταση του κυρίου Νίμιτς δεν είναι ικανοποιητική αν και αποκλείει,
κατ' αρχήν, τις εδαφικές διεκδικήσεις των Σκοπίων σε βάρος της Ελληνικής
Μακεδονίας, διότι δεν προβλέπει κάποιον αποτελεσματικό μηχανισμό που θα εμποδίσει
μελλοντική εμμονή της πΓΔΜ σε αυτές. Πιστεύουμε ακόμη πως κάποιοι από τους
όρους της πρότασης Νίμιτς είναι άκρως προσβλητικοί για τους Ελληνες. Το να
μη μας επιτρέπεται να χρησιμοποιούμε τους όρους «Μακεδονία», «Μακεδονικός»
και «Μακεδόνας» είναι σαν να μας επιβάλλουν να αρνηθούμε την ιστορία μας
και την ταυτότητά μας.
Κάνουμε έκκληση προς την Ελληνική κυβέρνηση και τη Βουλή να πράξουν το αυτονόητο
καθήκον τους.
Παρακαλούμε να διαβιβάσετε τις ανησυχίες μας στην Κυβέρνηση της Ελλάδος και
στα πολιτικά κόμματα.
Με σεβασμό,
cc: Mr. Kostas Karamanlis - Prime Minister of Greece
Ms. Dora Bakoyanni -Foreign Minister of Greece
Mr. George Papandreou - Leader of PASOK
Ms. Aleka Papariga - Leader of KKE
Mr. Alexis Tsipras - Leader of SYRIZA
Mr. George Karatzaferis - Leader of LAOS
Mr. Stelios Papathemelis - Leader of 'DIMOKRATIKI ANAGENNISI'
Dr. Karolos Papoulias
March 14, 2008
President of the Hellenic Republic
Athens - Greece
Your Excellency,
We, the undersigned Professors from Greece, the United States, and other
parts of the world, and members of the Hellenic Electronic Center urge
the Greek government to take all necessary steps to address the
unrelenting provocations from Skopje, which have intensified during the
course of the current negotiations for a mutually acceptable solution
regarding the naming of FYROM. The toll to Greece and Hellenism will be
too heavy, if a fair settlement, satisfactory to Greece, is not reached
before FYROM accedes to membership in NATO and the European Union.
It is the duty of the Hellenic Republic and its elected representatives
to defend the Hellenic interests, and, in particular, the territorial
integrity and cultural heritage of the Greek State, by rejecting any and
all proposals which would permit FYROM to be explicitly or implicitly
recognized as Macedonia, making FYROM the only country in the world
bearing the historic name.
It is imperative that Greece absolutely reject all of Skopje's false
historic and minority claims to Macedonia -especially at a time of
instability in the borders of Balkan countries- and assert in a most
decisive manner that FYROM’s arrogance and provocations will no longer
be tolerated.
While the proposal of Mr. Nimetz precludes, in principle, territorial
claims against Greece by Skopje, it does not provide mechanisms to stop
them. Moreover, other provisions included in Mr. Nimetz’s proposal are
profoundly insulting to the Hellenes of Greece and the Diaspora. To be
prevented from using the words "Macedonia", "Macedonian", and
"Macedones" is like being forced to deny who we are. No one can force us
to deny our history and identity.
We expect that the Greek Government and Parliament will do their obvious
Please, convey our concerns to the Government of Greece and all
Political Parties.
Respectfully Submitted,
cc: Mr. Kostas Karamanlis - Prime Minister of Greece
Ms. Dora Bakoyanni -Foreign Minister of Greece
Mr. George Papandreou - Leader of PASOK
Ms. Aleka Papariga - Leader of KKE
Mr. Alexis Tsipras - Leader of SYRIZA
Mr. George Karatzaferis - Leader of LAOS
Mr. Stelios Papathemelis - Leader of 'DIMOKRATIKI ANAGENNISI'
Adonakis L. George, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics &
Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Patras, Greece
Anastassiou A. George, Ph.D., DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA, Professor of
Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of
Memphis,Memphis, TN 38152, USA
Anastassopoulou Jane, Professor, Radiation Chemistry & Biospectroscopy,
National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens,
Andreadis Stelios, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Bioengineering
Laboratory, 908 Furnas Hall, Department of Chemical and Biological
Engineering and Department of Biological Sciences, University at
Buffalo, The State University of New York, Amherst, NY 14260-4200, USA
Apospori Eleni, Ph.D., Lecturer, Dept. of Marketing and Communication,
Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece
Arkas Evangelos, Ph.D., CEO Prometheus Technology Inc. London, UK.
Aroniadou-Anderjaska Vassiliki, Ph.D., Asst. Professor (and volunteer
teacher of the Hellenic Language), Dept. of Anatomy, Physiology and
Genetics, and Dept. of Psychiatry, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine,
USUHS, 4301 Jones Bridge Rd., Bethesda, Maryland, 20814, U.S.A.
Avraam G. Dimitrios, Ph.D., Prefecture Authority of Imathia, Direction
of Town-Planning and Environment, Section of Environment, Greece
Barbas John, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Valdosta State University,
Valdosta, GA 31698, USA
Belbas A. Stavros, Ph.D., Professor, Mathematics Department, University
of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487-0350, U.S.A.
Billis Christ. Euripides, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, National Technical
University of Athens, Athens, 11527, Greece
Bitros C. George, Professor of Economics, Athens University of Economics
and Business, Athens, Greece
Botsas N. Eleftherios, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, School of Business
Administration, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA
Boumis Panayotis, Ph.D., Research Associate, Institute of Astronomy and
Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece
Boundas V. Constantin, Professor Emeritus, Philosophy Department,
Peterborough, Ontario K9H 1R1, Canada
Cacoullos Theophilos, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens, Athens,
Chatzidakis Konstantinos, Ph.D. -Ing., National Technical University of
Athens, Athens, Greece
Christodoulou A. Manolis, Professor of Control Laboratory of Automation,
Technical University of Crete, 73100 Chania, Crete, Greece
Chrysanthis K. Panos, Ph.D., Professor of Computer Science, University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
Cladis B John., Ph.D., Nuclear Physics, Lockheed Martin Research
Laboratory, Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.
Cornwell Christake Anna, Ph.D.
Costacou Tina, Ph.D., Department of Epidemiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
Daglis A. Ioannis, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Space
Applications & Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, GR-15236
Penteli, Athens, Greece
Demopoulos P. George, Ph.D., Eng., FCIM, Professor, McGill University,
Montreal, QC H3A 2B2, Canada
Dokos Socrates, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Biomedical
Engineering University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia
Dritsas Eleftherios, Ph.D., Electrical Nuclear scientist, Greek Language
Educator, California, U.S.A.
Drosatos Konstantinos, MSc, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Columbia
University School of Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons,
Division of Preventive Medicine & Nutrition, New York, NY 10032, USA
Episkopos Athanasios, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Athens University of
Economics and Business, Athens, Greece
Filippidis A. Anestis, Professor, Aristotle University, Faculty of
Sciences, Economic Geology and Geochemistry, GR-54124 Thessaloniki,
Flytzani-Stephanopoulos Maria, Professor, Department of Chemical and
Biological Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155, USA
Foudopoulos E. University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) Specialty: Electronic Engineer, Doctor
of Computer Science, N.T.U.A. Athens - Hellas
Gatzoulis Nina, Lecturer/Director of Modern Greek Program, University of
New Hampshire, Supreme President of the Pan-Macedonian Association (USA)
Grammatikos Theoharry , Associate Director, Planning, Budget & Control,
European Investment Bank, 100, Blvd Konrad Adenauer, L-2950, Luxembourg
Halamandaris Pandelis, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Brandon University,
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Hantzios A. Panayiotis, Ph.D., Associate Researcher, Institute of
Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens, Athens,
Hatgil Peter Paul, Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
Kambezidis Haris, Ph.D., Director of Research, National Observatory of
Athens, 11810, Athens, Greece
Karafotias Panayotis, Professor and Chair, International Relations,
University of Indianapolis, Former Head of the UN Information Center for
Greece, Israel and Cyprus
Karayanni Despina, Ph.D., Asst. Professor of Marketing, Department of
Business Administration, University of Patras, Greece
Katsamakas Evangelos (Evan) – Ph.D., NYU, MSc LSE, Assistant Professor,
Information Systems, Graduate School of Business, Fordham University, New York, NY 10023
Katsetos D. Christos, M.D., Ph.D., FRCPath, Research Professor of
Pediatrics, Pathology and Neurology, Drexel University College of
Medicine and St. Christopher's Hospital for Children, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Katsiadaki Ioanna, Ph.D., MRCVS, MRSM, Fish
Physiologist/Endocrinologist, Cefas Weymouth laboratory, Barrack Road,
The Nothe Weymouth, Dorset, UK
Katsifarakis L. Konstantinos, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Katsifis Spiros, Ph.D.,FACFE, Associate Professor and Chair, Department
of Biology, University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06601, U.S.A.
Katsoufis C. Elias, Associate Prof. of Physics, National Technical
University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Kefalides A. Nicholas, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, University of
Pennsylvania, 3701 Market Street, Room 467, Philadelphia, PA 19104,
Kleanthous Costas M.D., M.H.A., Addiction Specialist, Chelsea com.
Hospital, Chelsea Michigan, U.S.A., Col. Medical Corps., U.S. Army(retired), U.S.A.
Kostas J. Demosthenes, Ph. D., MSc., M.BA, Greenwich, CT 06830, USA
Koussis D. Antonis, Ph.D., Research Director, Institute for
Environmental Research, National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece
Krikelis Peter, Lecturer, Mathematics Dept., University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
Kritas K. Spyridon, DVM, Ph.D., Dipl. ECPHM, Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, School of Veterinary
Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124 Thessaloniki,
Macedonia, Greece
Kontoes Haris, Ph.D., Principal Researcher, Institute for Space
Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Athens,
Kyriacou A. George, Associate Professor, Democritus University of
Thrace, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Microwaves
Lab., GR-67100 Xanthi, HELLAS
Kyriakou Anastasia, Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Research Institute,
Lefcosia, Kypros
Kyrozis Andreas, M.D., Ph.D., Lecturer, Dept. Neurology, Med. School,
Univ. Athens, Athens, Greece
Labrinidis Alexandros, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
Laszlo Sophia, Ph.D., SML Greek Consulting, Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A.
Leventouri Theodora, Professor of Physics, Physics Department, FAU, Boca
Raton, FL 33431, USA
Lolos J. George, Ph.D., Professor, Physics Department, University of
Regina, Regina, SK, S4S 0A2, Canada
Lymberopoulos P. John, Ph.D., Professor, Leeds School Summer Dean,
Professor of International Business & Finance, Leeds School of Business
University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, U.S.A
MagliveMakios Vassilios, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering, University of Patras,
Makris C. Konstantinos, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Earth and
Environmental Sciences Dept., University of Texas at San Antonio, San
Antonio, Texas, USA
Markatou Marianthi, Ph.D., Professor of Biostatistics, Department of
Biostatistics, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, USA
Mihailidis N. Dimitris, Ph.D., Director of Medical Physics, Charleston
Radiation Therapy Consultants, Charleston, West Virginia, USA
Milonas Nikolaos, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Department of Economics,
National and Kapodistrian Univesrity of Athens, Athens, Greece.
Mitronikas Epaminondas, Lecturer, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department, University of Patras, 26500 PATRAS, HELLAS
Negreponti-Delivanis Maria, Former Rector and Professor at the
University of Macedonia, Greece
Nikas K. George, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial
College London, London SW7 2AZ, England
Ouzounoglou Nikolaos, Professor, National Technical University of
Athens, Athens, Greece
Papaconstantinou Constantinos, Ph.D., I/T Architect, IBM Global Services
Papademetriou C. George, Rev. Protopresbyter, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
of Systematic Theology, Hellenic College /Holy Cross, Greek Orthodox
School of Theology, Brookline, MA, USA.
Papageorgiou George, Ph.D., Senior Investigator Scientist, MRC-National
Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, The Ridgeway, London NW7 1AA,
Pelekanos Nikos, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Crete,
Heraklion Crete, Hellas
Pelides Panayiotis, M.D., Consultant anesthesiologist, American Heart
Institute, Nicosia, CYPRUS
Perdikatsis Vassilis, Ph.D., Professor, Technical University of Crete,
Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, 73100 Chania Crete / Greece
Phufas Ellene S., Professor, English/Humanities/Film Studies, SUNY-Erie
Community College, Buffalo, NY 14203, USA
Pipinelli Artemis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, Psychology
Dept., Gillis Hall, Lehman College, CUNY, Bronx, NY 10468, USA
Polychroniadis, E.K., Professor, Department of Physics, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Hellas
Provatas Nikolas, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science
and Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario L8S-4L7, Canada
Rantsios T. Apostolos, M.D., Dipl. ECVPH 81, Marousi, Greece
Remmert Annouska, Ph.D., Director of International Education, Lorain
County Community College, Elyria, Ohio, U.S.A.
Rigas Fotis, Associate Professor, National Technical University of
Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, 15700 Athens, Greece
Samothrakis Periandros, Ph.D., P.E, Hydraulic Engineer, Frederick,
Maryland, USA
Schinas J. Christos, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer
Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi 67100, Greece
Sivitanides P. Marcos, Ph.D., CCP, Professor of Information Systems,
McCoy College of Business Administration, Texas State University, San
Marcos, Texas, USA
Skodras, N. A., Professor, Head of Computer Science, School of Science &
Technology, Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece
Sotiropoulou Georgia, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy,
School of Health Sciences, University of Patras, University Campus,
Rion-Patras 26500, Greece
Stamatoyannopoulos George, M.D., Dr.Sci., Professor of Medicine and
Genome Sciences, Director, Markey Molecular Medicine Center, K-240
Health Sciences Building, WA 98195-7720, USA
Talal Andrew, M.D., MPh, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Weill Cornell Medical Center, Cornell University, New York, USA
Tassios D., Emeritus Professor, National Technical University of Athens,
Athens, Greece
Thramboulidis Kleanthis, Assoc. Professor in SofTokmakidis Konstantinos, Associate Professor, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tokmakidis P. Savvas, Professor, Democritus University of Thrace
(TEFAA), 69100, Komotini, Hellas
Tratras-Contis Ellene, Professor of Chemistry, Project Director for the
CSIE Program, and Former Associate Vice President for Undergraduate
Studies and Curriculum, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti Michigan,
Tsamardinos Ioannis, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department,
University of Crete, Crete, Greece
Tsatsanifos Christos, Ph.D., Civil Engineer, M.Sc, DIC, MASCE, Pangaea
Consulting Engineers, Athens, Hellas
Tsigas-Fotinis Vasiliki, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Education, Caldwell
College, CANA High School Curriculum Coordinator, Dept. of Religious
Education, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Coordinator ~
Hellenic-American Educators Association of New Jersey, Caldwell, NJ, USA
Tsinganos Kanaris, Professor, Department of Physics, University of
Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens, GREECE
Tsirka Anna, M.D., Asst. Professor of Pediatrics, Tufts University
School of Medicine, USA
Vartholomeos Anastasios, M.D., Ph.D., Lecturer PD 407/80, Aristotle
University, Thessaloniki, MACEDONIA, HELLAS
Vasiliadis Athanasia, M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai
Hospital, Mount Sinai, School of Medicine, New York, New York, USA
Zafiropoulou M., B.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Head of
Developmental Psychology and Psychopathology Laboratory, Preschool
Education Department, Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Thessaly,
Zavos Panayiotis, Ed.S., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Reproductive
Physiology & Andrology, President and CEO, Zavos Diagnostic
Laboratories, Inc., Director, Andrology Institute of America, Lexington, KY 40523 USA